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A Lady of the Realm (House of DeDe) Page 4

  “Are you sure?” I asked.

  Sasha hadn’t moved a muscle. Elves weren’t immortal, just lightning quick, powerful and fast healers. Scars from past wounds littered Sasha’s body, wounds that would’ve been fatal if he was human.

  “Trust me,” he replied.

  A whisper of calm brushed against my mind. It was the same kind of intrusive tendrils that Sasha would send my way when we practiced mind shields. I slammed my mind shut, shaking my head to clear it.

  Malachi picked Sasha up with one arm and hauled me down the alley, towards the car. Men in general are bossy by nature. The kid, still motionless on the street, stared as we passed.

  Malachi snarled. “I don’t have time. Find another line of work.” He tossed a roll of bills at the kid’s feet and continued walking.

  He opened the back door tossing in Sasha’s limp bloody body.

  “No need to push,” I said shaking his hands off and climbing into the back seat.

  The car ride didn’t take long. Caleb, Sasha’s vamp butler, opened the front doors to the house as we approached. He swiftly started removing Sasha’s clothes as Malachi marched up the stairs. There was blood everywhere. Sasha’s skin looked marred with the dark, muddy looking fluid. I wondered idly how long it would take him to recover. The knife wound he took last week didn’t slow him down at all. Yet I hadn’t been aiming for the heart.

  Once we entered Sasha’s rooms, Malachi went into the bathroom. I followed, sitting on the purple settee facing the enormous shower stall. The water came on, nice to have telekinesis, and the room sprang to life with music.

  “He better recover.” I had too much time invested in the elf. He was my ticket in. I didn’t want to start from square one.

  Malachi sighed. “Do relax, luv.”

  He propped Sasha in the shower, and I watched in silence as Malachi washed blood away from the limp body. Where there was supposed to be a small entry wound there was only a tiny pink, puckered patch. As he rotated Sasha, more sludge and blood rinsed off. Another raised section of skin was on Sasha’s back where there should have been a sizable exit wound, considering the sound of the gunshot. The air in the bathroom hummed with energy, bristling savagely in waves and lashing out towards Sasha’s body.

  I shrugged and backed away quietly. He was clearly in good hands. I’d check on him later. With the elf indisposed, I might have a chance of having some alone time. In a bar. With some men.

  Malachi popped in front of me as I reached for the door.

  “Don’t you have some history to study tonight?” he said grasping my shoulders and spinning me around.

  “I’m going out to find a man, half-breed,” I said.

  “I believe the condition for you finding a one-night stand stipulates you must have Sasha or me with you,” he said.

  Damn it. The elf covered all his bases. I pulled Malachi’s hands off my shoulders and marched to the bar for a drink. I opened the cabinet and slammed a tumbler on the counter.

  “I’ll take one of those,” Malachi called from the bathroom.

  I bit my tongue and grabbed another tumbler. I poured a healthy measure of vodka, a hint of triple sec, and a drop of limejuice in each. I drank my drink in one swallow and eyed the remaining cup.

  “Thank you,” Malachi said taking the glass before I drank it.

  “No problem,” I sneered. I made another drink and sat on the stool watching Malachi.

  He placed Sasha on the bed and drew the sheets up to his neck. He looked down on the still form for several minutes before turning around and heading my way.

  “How are you doing this evening?” he asked as he pulled a seat next to me.

  I thumped my head on the counter. “Same shit, different day,” I said.

  “I take it that’s a bad thing,” he said.

  I tilted my head up. “Dude, really? Don’t you guys talk English?”

  “The vernacular changes faster than I.”

  I shook my head. Malachi was fun to talk to. The half-breed was rarely serious; at least I think he teased me often. I wasn’t in a very good mood tonight, and his attempt to cheer me up made me more irritable.

  “Where’ve you been? I haven’t seen you in days.”

  He sipped from his drink casually, his hand waving in the air. “Preparing for the commencement of Court. Are you excited?” he asked.

  I looked over to the comatose elf on the bed and grimaced.

  “Sasha hasn’t said anything about it,” I said.

  The Court convened in less than three months. Whenever I broached the subject, Sasha changed the topic. If I managed to get him to talk about it, he’d tell me I had plenty of time.

  “Malachi, who’s Trystyn?” I asked.

  It was the name of the elf, which caused Sasha’s inattention for the night. Humans rarely got the upper hand on freaks. There were those rare humans, the ones who thought the earth belonged to people with souls, who trained to kill freaks, but that kid wasn’t one of them. Sasha had been distracted.

  “An elf,” Malachi said.

  I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply. You’d think after all the time I’d spent with the two of them, I would be better at talking to them, but no. It was an art form communicating with elves.

  “I noticed, but who is he? Sasha got all weird when I mentioned he was at the club.”

  Malachi’s head snapped up to meet my eyes. The air in the room electrified. He sipped his drink carefully and placed the cup down on the counter.

  “Sasha can answer,” he said.

  “He can but will he?” I asked.

  He smiled. “You know, I think Sasha actually likes you. He told me about the condition you set for him. Well played.”

  I thought about hitting him. I hated it when they changed subjects. I twirled my drink, focusing on the conversation. He changed the subject so there was no point pursuing it.

  “You guys gossip like little girls,” I said.

  “I’m his lawyer. I love stipulations. Besides, don’t you compare lovers with your friends?” Malachi asked with a grin.

  “I’m a girl; it’s expected,” I said.

  “A witch with double standards,” he said shaking his head.

  “Not that it’s any of your business, but he’s not my lover,” I said into my drink.

  Malachi snorted and got up from his seat. He pulled the chessboard out from the bookcase and brought it back to the counter. I watched as he placed all the pieces on the board and turned it, so that I would have the first move. I slid a pawn forward to start the game.

  “Even you don’t believe that,” Malachi said after several moves.

  “I haven’t slept with him,” I said.

  “A minor detail soon to be corrected I’m told,” he murmured under his breath.

  “Don’t you have something to do tonight?” I asked.

  “Don’t you wish to further your education?” he asked taking one of my pieces.

  “I’m tired of studying,” I mumbled.

  “You did mention you wanted to pursue extracurricular activities. Would you like an escort?” he asked with a grin.

  “Yeah right. Taking you is worse than taking the elf. I’ll stay in and take advantage of coma boy. I could use a good night’s sleep. Go have some fun,” I said.

  “How am I to have fun without you or Sasha?” he said moving another piece.

  “Go find a piece of ass,” I said.

  “I thought Sasha said your language was improving,” he said.

  I slit my eyes. “What do I need to do for him?” I asked nodding my head towards the bed.

  I wanted to be alone. At least, I didn’t want to be with the hottie fairy. I was seriously reconsidering the rule about sleeping with friends. Especially with the boys in constant states of undress. After several weeks of celibacy, Malachi was looking positively delicious tonight.

  “He’ll be okay,” he said dismissively.

  “When will he be okay?”

  “Soon,” he said wi
th a chuckle.

  “Checkmate,” I pushed the board away. “Now go away, half-breed.”

  “Blimey, duckie, how’d you do that?” he asked.

  “You weren’t paying attention.”

  “There is a soiree at City Park,” he grumbled. “If you need company, I’ll be in my rooms within two hours.”

  Malachi kissed me on the cheek and popped out. I was tired not to mention hungry. I made a roast beef sandwich, sat at the counter with a third drink, and stared at Sasha. His chest moved with each breath he took. The curves of his muscles underneath the satiny sheet tensed and relaxed every few minutes. He was out. As in lights out; no action or big movements apart from his steady breathing, out. I cleaned up after myself and headed for the bathroom.

  I took a long, hot shower. I didn’t enjoy the solitude as much as I thought I would’ve. The silence in the apartment was somehow deafening. It screamed, pierced through me in ways I never thought silence could do. I returned to the living room and clicked on the stereo, welcoming the soft sounds of moody blues in the background.

  I came back to the bed and stared at Sasha again. He looked peaceful, his hands above his head, no worry lines creasing his face. There was a hint of soft color to his cheeks, his eyelids violet tinged, the veins faintly visible. I undressed and slipped under the sheets.

  In the soft glow of light from the nightlight, my need for sexual satisfaction engulfed my body. I ran my hands down his chest. He twitched, sighed and his lips formed a small smile. My hands roamed further down his body, tracing the scars above his belly button. I bent over, kissing him gently on the lips. He smelled so good. I sniffed his neck and sighed.


  I raised my head and met his eyes. I should’ve been embarrassed by my conduct, but I couldn’t even muster enough energy to pretend. I smiled sheepishly and continued to stroke his chest.

  “Are you okay?” I asked.

  “Better,” he sighed and stretched out like a cat.

  “You scared me,” I said.

  I ran my hand up to the new scar on his chest. It was bright pink, puckered and soft as I pressed on it with a finger.

  “It’s but a scratch,” he said taking my hand and kissing the individual fingers.

  “If you say so.”

  I rested my head on his chest.

  “Did I pass?” he asked.

  It’d been two weeks to the day since we talked about us in a context other than platonic friends. I smiled, considering how his freaky mind worked. I could use his hormones against him tonight.

  “Admirably but let’s wait till your good,” I said.

  “Never better,” he crooned stroking my back in circular motions.

  “Who’s Trystyn?” I asked softly, taking his nipple in my mouth. I ran my tongue around the hardening bit of flesh. Lust swirled around us.

  “My brother,” he hissed placing his hands on my head.

  Of course he was. It would explain the elf in town. I’d noticed that people, regardless of race, were clannish. They tended to stick to their own kind. New Orleans, being a popular city, did blur the lines a bit, but the lines were still there.

  There was more to the story. Images flickered in my mind concerning Trystyn, Sasha, and Malachi. The images were clear, crisp. They flashed at dizzying speeds, revealing various expressions that were hard for me to decipher. By the clothing the men wore, I assumed they had met recently.

  “Hmm… what are you leaving out?”

  “Pet, why are you torturing me?”

  “Men are more forthcoming in this position,” I said, running my tongue up and kissing the corner of his mouth. I trailed my fingers across the creases on his forehead.

  “I’m not a man,” he snarled.

  His tone was hard, cold. His eyes, two black orbs, sparks flying from their depths. Caution. Instinct cautioned me to back down. He wasn’t a man, and I must never forget the fact. I tried to lighten the mood by grasping his cock.

  “Could’ve fooled me,” I said.

  I licked his shoulder softly. I did want him. I was wet by merely touching, smelling. There was such a wanting, a desperate need. He stroked my face, pressing his thumb against my lips. I nibbled in anticipation.

  With a moan in my ear, I found myself under him. I reached to bring him closer. Wanting to know him instantly, not caring a damn about savoring the moment or getting more information. I had time to sort out the questions later.

  A cool tendril of energy encircled each of my wrists. My arms were pulled across the bed, and Sasha began caressing my breasts roughly. I writhed in bittersweet agony.

  He breathed softly, whispering, “Look at me.” I glanced up and locked eyes. “I can walk away now, but not a second after I start,” he said hoarsely.

  “Get on with it; it’s been weeks since I had any,” I said huskily.

  He bent over me with a chuckle, kissing the scowl from my lips.

  “What happened to your patience?”

  “Used my allotted quota for the day,” I whispered against his lips.

  With his eyes locked on mine, he plunged himself savagely into me. My body exploded with emotions. His psyche leaked. I could feel his emotions as he slid in and out of me. Anger, fear, guilt, regret and the faint traces of possessiveness flitted against my mind. I could taste myself on his lips. I felt his hands caressing me from his senses. The mixed sensation, our emotions mingling into one, was intoxicating.

  It was brutal, rough, pain mixed in with pleasure. As my desire crested, I heard him whisper, “You’re mine.” The orgasm rocked my body. It rolled through me, causing a scream of bittersweet agony to echo throughout the loft as I climaxed.

  Chapter Five: Family Secrets

  I was a complete idiot. I should’ve been using the elf for what he was designed for since day one. It was the best, and longest, night of my life. I was contemplating using the half-breed next, just for comparison. I sighed in pleasure remembering the onslaught of intense feelings.

  Too bad I wanted to tie up loose ends today. Malachi’s mention of the convention looming in the near future reminded me of things to do. Things I’d been putting off. I racked my brain, forming the agenda and mapping out the day. Shower, breakfast, and check the train schedule. I was going across the lake.

  Sasha was rubbing my shoulders, making me purr underneath his expert hands. Maybe a quickie before I left would make the trip better.

  “What are your plans for today?” he asked.

  I became putty under his dexterous fingers. They never stopped moving along my shoulders, massaging my upper arms with strong, circular strokes. I groaned heavily as his touch eased the tension.

  “I’m going to visit my mom.”

  He stopped abruptly, his voice low. “I don’t believe it’s a good idea.”

  “Why not?”

  “You’d need a proper escort. I’ve an appointment, and Malachi is out of town. Stay here and wait for me,” he said casually, reaching for his cell phone on the nightstand.

  It boggled my mind sometimes when he spoke. His world was so different than the one I knew. I mean, sure, traveling was difficult when you were nothing more than an average citizen. The price of gas was astronomical. Only the richest of the rich owned vehicles. Citizens, commoners, traveled by public transportation, provided to the citizens free of charge. But still, what did he think I did before he graced my life with his presence “That’s not a reason.” No snarky attitude or extra adjective escaped.

  “Not today,” he said.

  With one withering look my way, he flipped his phone open, and began scrolling through his text messages. The distinct impression he left me with was that arguing would be useless.

  “I’m letting you know where and when.”

  I disentangled myself from his hands, sat back, and waited. This was the usual course of events when we disagreed. One of my daily lessons was temper control. I looked at Sasha, a pink haze clouding my vision. I wasn’t going to strike him. I wasn’t goin
g to yell. I wouldn’t throw anything at him.

  He pursed his lips, the sides lifting slightly, as he contemplated his next words. The light from the skylights glinted off his golden red hair, giving the illusion of a halo. He struggled with how to continue diplomatically. He was used to giving orders, no questions asked.

  “How about a compromise?”

  Every chance he got, he asked for a compromise. I suspected it was because I sucked at compromising, especially with him. I was good at throwing objects. I smelled the faint scent of his arousal in the air. My traitorous body clenched in hopes that the priority list for the day would change.

  “I’m not in the mood to fuck.”

  He froze. He was annoyed. I could smell it, see it in his eyes, and hear it as he sucked in his breath. I leapt out of bed and headed to the bathroom for a morning shower. It was best to give him some time alone. He had just patched up the drywall from our last argument.

  By the time I made it out of the bathroom, Sasha was fully dressed. He didn’t do casual. Black dress pants with a silvery button down shirt and leather boots. His shoulder length hair combed back and tied at the nape of his neck. Disgusted with him, I glared around in general. He touched my arm as I passed him on the way to my backpack.

  “My appointment’s been canceled. Would you like to take the Vette or the Porsche?”

  “Neither,” I said firmly.

  “I want to meet them,” he said. He avoided my eyes, dusting imaginary specks off his shirt.

  “No, you don’t. They don’t like freaks, regardless of title.”

  My mom was difficult. The gospel at the house was intolerance. The only good race was the human race. All others were bound for an eternity in a fiery pit. Regardless of her views, I felt a sort of obligation towards her.

  “I’m coming.”

  I heard the menacing tone he used. He’d given me an inch, no more. It was my turn to yield.

  He cleared his throat. “You won’t be welcomed after you claim your title. You’re planning on telling her aren’t you?” he asked.

  “The thought had crossed my mind,” I admitted.

  This is what happens when you discuss things. Your own words come back to haunt you. My mom might not approve, but I wanted to let her know. She had a right, as the woman who gave birth to me, to know that I was alive. I was alive, healthy and relatively happy.